Server Administration Application

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See also: Introduction to the Ebase Xi Server


Server Administration Application. 1

Server Administration Application Security. 1

Users and Roles 1

IP White List 2


Server Administration Application

The Server Administration Application is accessed via a browser using URL http://<hostname>:<port>/<webapp>/ebaseAdmin.eb e.g. URL http://localhost:3030/ufs/ebaseAdmin.eb, or from the Ebase Xi Designer by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar then selecting Start Server Admin App.


This application is used for almost all Ebase related server configuration. See also Starting, Stopping and Configuring the Ebase Xi Server for a description of other Tomcat configuration tasks.


Follow the links below for details of the various pages available within the admin app.



Database Connections

Email Accounts

Server Properties

General Properties

Workspace Properties

Security Properties

Workflow Properties

Deployment and Backup Properties



Working Day Calendar

System Texts

FPL Functions

Ebase Security System

Global Metadata

IP Whitelists

OAuth Configuration



Scheduled Tasks

Integration Web Services

RESTful Web Services

Server Locks

Batch System



Server Information




Workflow Administrator Dashboard


Deployment and Backup

Deployment Center

Backup and Restore



Monitor (experimental)


Server Administration Application Security

Users and Roles

A valid user must be used to access the application. This security is configured in file in the ebaseConf folder of the web application e.g. UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/ufs/ebaseConf/ In this file you can choose to authorize specific users and/or roles. The distributed version of this file is shown below and this allows all users with the SUPER_USER role which includes the admin user distributed with the system.


# ***********************************************************************************************************************

# Properties file for Ebase Xi System Administration webapp

# At least one of sysAdmin.roles or sysAdmin.users must be specified or no users will be able to access the application

# ***********************************************************************************************************************


# sysAdmin.roles: comma delimited list of roles which allow access to the system administration app




# sysAdmin.users: comma delimited list of users which allow access to the system administration app




The application calls the Logon Service to authenticate users. If this has been changed, for example to access Active Directory, then you will need to change the settings in this properties file.

IP White List

A white list of permitted IP addresses can be configured using the IP White List page. When configured, only users with IP addresses in the list are allowed to connect.