Server Administration Application – Configuring OAuth Configuration

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Introduction. 1

OAuth Configuration Properties 1

General OAuth Configuration Properties 2

Authorization Code Grant Properties 2

Additional Authorization Parameters Properties 3

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Properties 3

Client Credentials Grant Properties 3


See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, REST Overview, Working with REST Web Service Resources, REST Web Service Security, Using OAuth Security


OAuth configurations are created and maintained on the server using the Server Administration web application. They are saved in folder oauthConfigurations in the ebaseConf folder of the web application e.g. UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/ufs/ebaseConf/oauthConfigurations. These files can be copied between servers if required.


An OAuth configuration represents an authorization server that requires OAuth authentication. A REST Resource can configure an endpoint security that uses OAuth authentication.





OAuth Configuration Properties


General OAuth Configuration Properties

OAuth Name

OAuth configuration name.


An optional description.

Authorization type

Can be set to Authorization Code Grant, Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant or Client Credentials Grant.

Token request URL

Specifies the URL to request the access token.

Client id

The client id as issued by the authorization server.

Secret key

The secret key as issued by the authorization server.

Send Access Token as

The OAuth access token can be sent with the HTTP Request as either a HTTP Header or as a Post/Query Parameter. Select the method applicable to the authentication specification. Click here for more information.


A list of scopes specific to the authorization server.


Additional Authorization Parameters Properties

    A list of additional parameters that is specific to the Authorization Code authentication. The parameters are added to the request when requesting calling the authorization URL.

    Click the  icon to add a new property.

    Click the  icon to remove a property.

Property name

Name of the property.

Property value

Value of the property


The additional parameters can be overridden by entering the values into the Rest Web Service Security dialog or calling the JavaScript method HttpAuthentication.createOAuthAuthentication(name, scope, username, password, additionalParameters) as described in the JavaScript API.


Authorization Code Grant Properties

Authorization URL

Specifies the URL to the authorization server.

Redirect URI

This field is for information only and shows the redirect URI created by the Ebase system. This should be entered into the 3rd party OAuth provider’s configuration. Click here for more information.



Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Properties




Username to authenticate.


Password to authenticate




The username, password and scope can be overridden by entering the values into the Rest Web Service Security dialog or calling the JavaScript method HttpAuthentication.createOAuthAuthentication(name, scope, username, password) as described in the JavaScript API.


Client Credentials Grant Properties



The scope can be overridden by entering the value into the Rest Web Service Security dialog or calling the JavaScript method HttpAuthentication.createOAuthAuthentication(name, scope) as described in the JavaScript API.