Starting, Stopping and Configuring the Ebase Xi Server

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Prerequisites 1

Server Types 1

External Server 2

Starting the Server 2

Stopping the Server 2

Configuring the Server 2

Using Server Administration Application. 2

Manual server configuration. 2

Installing/Changing Windows service. 4

Apache Derby Configuration. 4

Apache Derby JDBC Configuration. 4

Using external tools to view/modify the Ebase Xi database. 5


See also: Introduction to the Ebase Xi Server, Server Administration Application, Designer Preferences – Server Options



The minimum Java level to run the Ebase Xi Server is 1.7.0.


Server Types

There are two types of server:


·         Integrated Test Server (Designer only)

This is an embedded Tomcat application server which is included within the designer. The designer can be configured to use either server type (integrated or external) and this choice is specified using the Test Server tab of Designer Preferences. When configured, the Integrated Test Server is started automatically when the designer is started and does not need to be explicitly started or stopped. If required, it can be manually started and stopped from the server menu displayed by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar. The Integrated Test Server contains a single web application with the default name of ebasetest, but this can be changed using the Test Server tab of Designer Preferences.


·         External Server

This is a standalone server that is started/stopped as a separate process. An external server can optionally be used by the designer (see previous paragraph), an external server is required for a production system, and may also be used as a test system, staging system, development team consolidation system etc. When installing Ebase Xi on a Windows system, an external server is installed when the Ebase Xi server installation option is selected; this installs a Tomcat application server. When installing Ebase Xi on a Linux or Mac system, the distribution includes a UfsServer folder containing the server.


Tomcat is included within the Ebase Xi distribution, but any J2EE application server can also be used. Documentation on using application servers other than Tomcat is not included within Ebase Xi.


External Server

The term external server applies to any server other than the Integrated Test Server. An external server is installed using the Ebase Xi installer and selecting option Ebase Xi server installation; this installation also includes an Ebase Xi Designer that is configured to connect to the server.


Starting the Server

Starting as a service

The Ebase installer creates a Windows service named Ebase_Xi_V5. This is started automatically by the installer.


Starting Manually

Windows: in <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer run either start_ebase_server.bat or start_ebase_server.exe

Linux: navigate to <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer and run


If you have trouble starting the Ebase Server, make sure there are no instances of Tomcat already running.  In addition, the supplied system uses port 3030 for web connections. Make sure you do not have any other applications already using this port.


Stopping the Server

Stopping the service

Use the Windows services dialog to manually stop the server.


Stopping Manually

Windows: if the server was started using start_ebase_server.bat there will be a dos command window open – closing this will stop the server. Otherwise run stop_ebase_server.bat in <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer.

Linux: navigate to <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer and run


If you have trouble stopping the Ebase Server, try killing the Java process.


Configuring the Server

Using Server Administration Application

Most Ebase related aspects of the server can be configured using the Server Administration Application. This supports configuration of:

  • Database Connections
  • All Server Properties
  • Languages
  • Web Services
  • Sequences
  • Ebase built-in security
  • System Texts
  • FPL Functions
  • Working Day Calendar

Manual server configuration

This section contains information on some of the commonly performed configuration tasks for the Apache Tomcat Server. Refer to the Apache Tomcat documentation for full details. For other application servers, refer to the application server documentation.



Integrated Local Test Server (Designer only)

External Server

Home directory



Java memory and other Java options

Designer Preferences > Test Server > Java arguments

Maximum memory is configured with the –Xmx parameter

e.g. -Xmx1024m


If using 32 bit Java, the upper limit for memory is about 1500m. For 64 bit, higher values can be used.

When the server is started as a Windows service, the service definition must be changed then reinstalled, click here for details.


When the server is started manually, edit the start_ebase_server.bat (Windows) or (others) file in folder UfsServer.


Maximum memory is configured with the –Xmx parameter e.g.



If using 32 bit Java, the upper limit for memory is about 1500m. For 64 bit, higher values can be used.


Configure app. server configured database connection.

Edit file ebasetest.xml in folder UfsClient/integratedServer. Then restart the server from the server menu displayed by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar.


Note that if the web app name has been changed from the default ebasetest, the config file named ebasetest.xml is still used.

Edit file <xxx>.xml in folder UfsServer/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost where <xxx> is the web application name (ufs by default). Then restart the server.

Add web resource files. Note that in most cases web resource files can be added to the workspace and do not need to be added to the application server.

Copy these to UfsClient/integratedServer/ebasetest.


Note that if the web app name has been changed from the default ebasetest, web resource files should still be added to the ebasetest folder.

Copy these to UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/<xxx> where <xxx> is the web application name (ufs by default).

Adding JDBC driver files

Copy these to UfsClient/IntegratedServer/lib. Then restart the server from the server menu displayed by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar.

Copy these to UfsServer/tomcat/lib then restart the server.

Add additional Java jar files

Copy these to UfsClient/IntegratedServer/ebasetest/WEB-INF/lib. Then restart the server from the server menu displayed by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar.

Copy these to UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/<xxx>/WEB-INF/lib where <xxx> is the web application name (ufs by default). Then restart the server.

Log files

The server log can be displayed by clicking the server icon  on the Shared Toolbar and selecting Show Server Log. The log file is located at UfsClient/IntegratedServer/logs/ebase-server.log.

The log files are located in UfsServer/tomcat/logs.



Installing/Changing Windows service

When a server is installed using the Ebase Xi installer on a Windows system with option Ebase Xi server installation, a Windows service named Ebase_Xi_V5 is created automatically. This service can then be started and stopped using the Windows Services dialog. 


The service details are contained in file <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer/tomcat/bin/service.bat. This file can be edited to make any required changes: e.g. to increase the available memory, to change Java options, to use a different Java version etc.


Once the changes have been made, reinstall the service as follows:


  • Open a Windows command prompt and change directory to <ebase_install_directory>/UfsServer/tomcat/bin.


  • Remove the existing service (if it exists):

Enter > service remove <service_name>


  • Re-install the service:

Enter > service install <service_name>



Apache Derby Configuration


The Ebase Xi Server is shipped with Apache Derby database. This database is an embedded database and starts up when the Ebase Xi Server is started. It is a fully relational database implemented in 100% Java. For more information about derby see


Apache Derby is the default database when running Ebase Xi out of the box. There is no additional configuration required when starting Ebase Xi for the first time.


Apache Derby JDBC Configuration

The JDBC Connection URL should be configured as follows:




The UFS part of the JDBC URL can be changed to an absolute location of a database e.g




To create the database if it does not exist (useful for creating your own database separate from Ebase Xi), substitute the create=false with create=true



Using external tools to view/modify the Ebase Xi database

There are several client tools that you can use to view/modify the Ebase Xi data or configure a new database.

Note: you cannot connect to the database while the Ebase Xi Server is running as only one client can attach to the database at any one time in embedded mode.


  1. Apache Derby IJ – Command Line Client that comes with Apache Derby. Note: You will need the derby.jar file located in the <ebase-install-dir>/tomcat/common/lib directory. See
  2. DBUtils -  A Database Client Utility developed by Apache. See
  3. DBVisualizer – A Database Client Utility to allow many connections to many different databases.. See