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calculateFontSize(String) - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.UFSFormInterface
from V4.0 with no replacement. Zoom options are not applicable in V4.0. Returns the value of sizeString
changePassword(String, String) - Method in interface
Change a password to the specified new value
clearCallingParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Clears all URL parameters - used in cleanup only
clearEbaseSession(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Removes the Ebase session object from session state - cleanup only
clearInitialCallFlag(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class
Clears the flag used by method isInitialCall()
clone() - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SelectValue
Internal use only
com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel - package com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel
com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping - package com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping - package - package
COMMAND_CALL - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_EXEC - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_FETCH - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_INSERT - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_PRINT - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_READ - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_UPDATE - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMAND_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
COMMANDS - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
commitTransaction() - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.UFSFormInterface
Commits the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
commitTransaction() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
Commits the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
completeSubject(Subject, String) - Method in interface
Returns a Subject object containing a number of Principal objects as follows:
- UserPrincipal representing the userid
- RolePrincipal for each role associated with the user
copyToRegionalizedValues() - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SelectValue
createNewRow() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.TableDataInterface
Factory method.
createNewTableData() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
Factory method which returns an empty instance of the Table Data object.
CustomResourceInterface - Interface in com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping
This interface must be implemented by all custom functions.
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