System Texts

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See also: Working With Texts, Linked Texts



What are System Texts

System texts are provided by, and are displayed by, the Ebase Xi system.  They are used for a variety of purposes e.g. the “Select” list header text, system provided validation messages, texts within the upload page etc.


Maintaining System Texts

Even though the system texts are provided by the system, you have the option of configuring the individual texts and providing texts in additional languages.


·         Server (external): UfsServer/tomcat/webapps/<webapp>/ebaseConf/systemTexts

·         Server (integrated): UfsClient/integratedTestServer/ebasetest/ebaseConf/systemTexts

·         Designer: UfsClient/properties/systemTexts


Changing System texts dynamically 

A system text can be changed dynamically from a script as follows (this applies only to the form that issues the command). These examples change the list header system text (text id = 21). The Server Administration Application provides a description of what each text is used for and its corresponding id.



set text 21 = 'List header';



system.texts.getText("21").text = "List header";