Internationalization Support

Documentation home


Introduction. 1

Adding and maintaining languages 1

Language Codes 1

Determining User Runtime Language. 2

How texts are selected for display. 3

Formatting of numeric and date fields 4

Setting Character Encoding. 4

Ebase Xi Designer Language Preference. 5

Translation. 5


See also: Maintaining Languages and Setting Language Options 


This page provides a general discussion of internationalization topics including multiple languages, translation, formatting of dates and numbers, character encodings. Ebase Xi provides full support for multiple languages, the concept being that a form can be created once and then run in any number of languages: all that needs to be done is to provide texts in the new language (see translation). Any number of languages can be added to the Ebase Xi system. When a new user connects to the system, one of these languages is chosen as the runtime language and set for the duration of their web session. This language is then used for two purposes:


·         To display language sensitive text elements within the Ebase Xi system – this includes all texts (both form and system texts) and Static Lists

·         To control the formatting of numeric and date fields when data is presented to the user or entered by the user


Adding and maintaining languages

·         Ebase Xi Designer: all languages are available to the designer automatically and do not need to be explicitly added. The designer default language can be configured and this is used as the language for all new texts.

·         Ebase Xi Server: languages must be explicitly added before they can be used. This is done using the Server Administration Application – click here for details.



Language Codes

Ebase Xi uses RFC 3066 language identifiers.   This language code is split into sub tags, where a '_' character delimits each sub tag.   Normally, the first sub tag represents a language from ISO 639. Second or subsequent sub tags are optional, and further identify the language. Often the second sub tag is a two character country code (ISO 3166).   Full detail of this standard is available here.    


In this way, primary languages (such as French and English) may be used several times, each time with different sub tags. For example, the languages 'en' (English), 'en_gb' (British English) and  'en_us' (American English) may coexist. 


Ebase Xi takes advantage of this language hierarchy both when identifying the user's runtime language and when selecting the language of a text item. So, for example, the user may be identified as American (en_us) but, where a particular American text item does not exist, it can be safely shown as an English (en) text item. This gives the Ebase user the ability to handle subtle differences between similar languages with a minimum of typing. This is explained further below.


Determining User Runtime Language

The user's runtime language is determined as each form is started. The strategy for determining the user’s language is defined using the Server Administration Application - Language Options tab which contains the following panel:



The system uses the following three methods in turn to determine the runtime language. If a method results in a language choice, the language chosen is used; if not, the system moves to the next option. The first two methods are configurable and can be enabled or disabled using the checkbox to the left of each item.


1.       Use the URL language parameter:  a language code may be added to the URL used to invoke the form using parameter LANGUAGE. e.g. the following URL will run the MyForm form in French, if French is a valid supported language. This is the technique used by the Designer to submit a form in a specific language. This option can be enabled or disabled using the checkbox to the left of the item, but note that disabling the option will prevent testing of multiple languages from the Designer. 


2.     Try to honour the users browser setting:  the languages that have been configured in the user’s web browser are examined in turn. The first language to match a supported language is used. This setting allows the automatic setting of language to the user’s preference as configured in the browser he/she is using. This option can be enabled or disabled using the checkbox to the left of the item.


3.     The system default language:  if a language has not been determined by one of the methods above, the system default language is used. This option cannot be disabled.


The setting of runtime language lasts for the duration of the user’s session and will be carried through to subsequent forms executed. When accessing subsequent forms, the LANGUAGE URL parameter may be used to override the current language, however the browser setting and default language will be ignored.  



It is also possible to change the runtime language programmatically and this overrides the setting described above:



form.language = "ES";



set $LANGUAGE = 'ES';


How texts are selected for display

There are two Ebase Xi elements that support multiple language texts. These are:


·         Texts:           This includes all texts (form texts, linked texts etc) and system texts

·         Static Lists:   All static list displayed texts. (See How to use Static Lists for more information)


Together these elements provide total support for presenting a form in any number of languages.


As a form is displayed to a user, the most appropriate text for each text item above is chosen according to the user’s runtime language as described by the following rules:


1.      The system first checks if a text exists for the language code of the user’s runtime language.

2.      If not, the sub tags are removed from the language code one by one until a match is found.  

3.      If a text has still not been found, the default language is used.    


It is important that all text items are completed for the default language, otherwise a form could be displayed with missing texts.




A form has 5 text items: text item 1 -> 5, and there are three supported languages:  en (English), fr (French), and fr_BE (Belgian French). The default language is en.


The following table shows the texts that have been configured using the Ebase Xi Designer:


Text item

text for en

text for fr

text for fr_BE






















The following table shows the texts that are displayed to the user when language fr_BE or fr is chosen as the runtime language:


Text item



















When fr_BE is the runtime language, the two texts configured for this language - text items 1 and 3 - are displayed (Rule 1). Text item 2 is displayed using language fr (Rule 2), and the remaining text items are taken from the default language en (Rule 3).


When fr is the runtime language, the two texts configured for this language - text items 1 and 2 - are displayed (Rule 1). The remaining text items are taken from the default language en (Rule 3).



Formatting of numeric and date fields

Integer, Numeric, Currency, Date and Datetime form fields are formatted according to the formatting language associated with the user's languages setting. Values can also to be entered using this format. The formatting language is configured by editing a language’s properties using the Languages Page of the Server Administration Application. 


The formatting language can make significant differences to the value of an input. For example: 123,233 in France means something totally different to 123,233 in UK, where a comma is a decimal point character in France and a digit group separator in the UK.   


The presentation of dates also varies according to language. For example: 10th April 1970 in the US could be written 4/10/1970 whereas in Europe it is more likely to be written 10/4/1970. 


The use of the digit group separator is optional for input data received from the user. The display of digit group separators is also optional and can be set on the presentation tab of the properties for each field. When disabled, a number is presented as a sequence of digits. e.g. value 1234567 is displayed with language English as:


With digit group separator:


With no digit group separator:




Setting Character Encoding

A character encoding is used to encode data transmitted between the server and user browsers. In general, the Ebase Xi system requests the application server to set a character encoding based on the runtime language. In most cases, this should result in the correct encoding. However, it is possible to override this process and configure a specific encoding to be used for each language, and it is also possible to specify a single encoding to be used for all languages.


The character encoding can be configured using the Languages Page of the Server Administration Application. There are two options – this applies when configuring an encoding for all languages or just a single language:


·         Use encoding defined by the language: this is the default setting.

·         Always use encoding: directs the system to always use the specified encoding. If the encoding you require is not in the list, it can be typed in.

When a single encoding is specified to be used for all languages, this overrides any encoding set for individual languages.


Ebase Xi Designer Language Preference

The default Ebase Xi Designer Language can be changed in the Designer Preferences dialog box on the file menu (File > Preferences > General). Form texts will be displayed in this language when editing a form.  Please note that if no text is found for a text item, then a fallback language (i.e. en_us -> en -> default) will not be used in the designer environment.




There are basically two ways to provide texts in a new language:


1.      Using tools within the Ebase Xi system: each entity that supports texts provides the ability to translate these texts into additional languages:

·         Form and component entities: within the Form or Component Editor, click the Maintain Texts icon  on the form toolbar then select the Translate texts into other languages tab

·         Texts entity: in the Texts Editor, select the Translate texts into other languages tab

·         System Texts: these are maintained on the server using the System Texts tab of the Server Administration Application, then select the Translate texts into other languages tab. Click here for more information on system texts.


2.      Externally: within each entity e.g. a form, all texts for each language are maintained in a single Java properties file saved using the UTF-8 character set. These files can be edited manually or used with external translation tools. New language files can be added just by dropping the new file into the appropriate location in the workspace. All entities supporting texts have the same file structure as shown in the example below:


MyForm.eb             <= folder containing all files for form MyForm   

  texts               <= folder containing all texts files        <= all English texts (where EN is the language code)        <= all French texts (where FR is the language code)