Form Properties – JSPs Tab


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Form Properties Summary


It is possible to set default values for many of these form properties in the presentation template associated with a form. The default properties are configured in the Form section within the Presentation Template Editor.

JSPs tab

This tab allows you to specify the paths of the optional surrounding JSPs. JSPs specified here override any default values configured for form default properties in the form’s presentation template, and can themselves be overridden by specifying values for the Page Control properties for individual pages. Click here for info on the precedence of the various JSP configuration parameters.


Both JSP and HTML files can be used.


Note that in addition to this “surrounding JSP” option, JSP and HTML files can be included at any point on a page using an Include Control.





Enable JSPs

When checked, each form page is surrounded by up to 4 JSP or HTML files – see surrounding JSPs; the form page and JSPs are written using HTML <table> tags. When unchecked, JSPs are disabled and the form page is written using an HTML <div> tag. When this option is unchecked, the width properties below are ignored.


The URL of the top JSP. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server. See Web Resource Files for more details.

Left JSP

The URL of the left JSP. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server. See Web Resource Files for more details.

Right JSP

The URL of the right JSP. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server. See Web Resource Files for more details.

Bottom JSP

The URL of the bottom JSP. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server. See Web Resource Files for more details.

Static content

This checkbox applies only when Ajax communication is enabled. When checked for a JSP, the JSP is not refreshed when a page is redisplayed e.g. when an event such as a button click, hyperlink or field immediate validation results in the same page being redisplayed. Note that JSPs are always refreshed when moving to a different page or when Ajax communication is disabled.

Panel widths configuration

Use settings from template

When checked, the following width settings are taken from the Form section in the presentation template associated with the form. These widths apply only when the Enable JSPs option is checked.

JSP left width

The width of the table cell used to contain the left JSP

Form panel width

The width of the table cell used to contain the rendered form output

JSP right width

The width of the table cell used to contain the right JSP