Working with CSV Resources

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What is a CSV resource ?. 1

Creating a CSV resource in Ebase Designer1

Coding FPL script commands to access the resource. 2


See also:   How Resources Work, Working with Custom resources


What is a CSV resource?


Ebase provides a CSV resource to support the ability to create a .csv file containing a comma delimited list of field values extracted from an Ebase form. A CSV resource is a specific implementation of a custom resource. It allows form data to be written to a csv file and is implemented by a Java class supplied with the Ebase standard distribution. When a WRITE command is issued against a CSV resource, a comma delimited record is written to the specified file. All the fields of the form, except event fields and buttons, are included. The fields are arranged in strict alphabetical field name order. Character fields are enclosed in double quotes ("). Each " contained within a character field is changed to a \". When required (when the 3rd parameter is set to Y), a header record is also written, containing all field names except event fields and buttons, again in strict alphabetical field name order. The header record is written only when the file is first created. Subsequent write requests will result in additional lines being added to the target file.


Please note that a CSV resource differs from other external resources in that resource fields are not required and mappings between form fields and resource fields are similarly not required. Instead a CSV resource works directly on form fields and will output all form field values contained in the form from which it is invoked, with the exception of event fields and buttons.


The steps involved in using a CSV resource are fundamentally same as the steps in using other external resources:


1.      Create the resource as described below

2.      Add the resource to the Resources View in the form

3.      Issue write script statements against the resource name.


Creating a CSV resource in Ebase Designer


The steps involved in creating a CSV resource are the same as those for a custom resource. What turns a custom resource into a CSV resource, is the name of the implementing java class. Furthermore, three parameters are required which must be set according to the requirements of the user of the resource.


Create a custom resource by right clicking in the designer tree and selecting New > Custom Resource.






Resource Description allows you to provide a description of this custom resource.


Implementing Java class must specify com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.CSVResource as shown above.


Resource parameters: There are three parameters of which the first two are mandatory.

The first parameter is a string representing a valid directory name(e.g. C:/ufs/csv/ ). The nominated file (next parameter) will be created or located in this directory.

The second parameter is a string representing a valid file name. This file will be created if it does not already exist. If it already exists, data will be appended to the end of the file.

The third parameter is optional. When set to Y (not case sensitive), a header record will be written to the file when the file is first created. Subsequent WRITEs will not write a header record.


Implemented script commands: Only the write command is implemented by this resource.


Resource fields are not required for a CSV resource and will be ignored if created. A write command to A CSV resource will always output all form fields with the exception of event fields and buttons.


Coding FPL script commands to access the resource


Issue the write command e.g.



API based language:


write CSVOUT;


