Database URL Connection Strings

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Apache Derby (Embedded). 1

Apache Derby (Network). 1

MySQL. 1

MS SQL Server 2

Oracle. 2

DB2. 2

MS Access. 2

Sybase. 3

Postgres. 3


See also: Database Connections



A URL connection string is used by a JDBC driver to make a connection to a database. If your database system is not included in the documentation below, then consult the documentation provided with your JDBC Driver.

Apache Derby (Embedded)






database-location is the file system path name to the directory containing the Derby database, e.g c:\\Databases\\myDatabase


create=false is an additional parameter that determines whether to create the database if it does not exist.

e.g jdbc:derby:c:\\Databases\\UFS;create=false


Apache Derby (Network)






hostname is the hostname of the database server

database-name is the name of the database within the database server system


create=false is an additional parameter that determines whether to create the database if it does not exist.








hostname is the hostname of the MySQL server

myDatabase is the database name

autoReconnect=true is an additional parameter that prevents the database from closing unused connections


e.g.      jdbc:mysql://localhost/ufs?autoReconnect=true



MS SQL Server


Please note that use of the Microsoft provided SQL Server JDBC driver is not recommended for use with Ebase at this time. This documentation refers to the supplied JTDS driver.


Using the JTDS driver:





hostname is the hostname of the SQL Server server system

database is the name of the database


e .g.     jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://ebt009:1433/mydb


Note: For SQL Server 6.5, parameter TDS=4.2 must be added e.g. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://ebt009:1433/mydb;TDS=4.2







hostname is the hostname of the Oracle server

SID is the Oracle system id


e.g.     jdbc:oracle:thin:@prod0097:1521:ORAPROD








hostname is the hostname of the DB2 server system

database is the name of the database within the database server system



MS Access


Using the Jadozoom driver


Note: before connecting to MS Access using the Jadazoom driver, files izmjniado.dll and 11100319.LIC should be copied from the Ebase Xi distribution folder OptionalLibraries/jadozoom and installed as dll files on the target Windows server (Copy the files to C:\Windows\System32 or equivalent, or copy them to C:\Program Files\infozoom). 


jdbc:izmado:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=pathname;IzmRoyaltyFree=643223965;IzmJdbcEsc=yes


pathname is the full path name to the mdb file containing the MS Access database on the server system


For an unsecured database:


            jdbc:izmado:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\\Databases\\northwinds.mdb;IzmJdbcEsc=yes;IzmRoyaltyFree=643223965

            (Note that userid Admin may be required on the datasource definition)


For a secured database:


jdbc:izmado:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=//ebt008/Shared Area/Northwinds_sec.mdb;jet oledb:system database=//ebt008/Shared Area/secured.mdw;IzmRoyaltyFree=643223965;IzmJdbcEsc=yes





Using the supplied JTDS driver.





hostname is the hostname of the SQL Server server system

database is the name of the database


e .g.     jdbc:jtds:sybase://ebt009:4000/mydb;TDS=4.2







hostname is the hostname of the Postgres server system

database is the name of the database


e .g.     jdbc:postgresql://ebt009/mydb